Hiero 2.0 Screenshot |
The Hiero single-pane outliner, which was originally announced on this blog in 2015 and served up via Ubuntu's Launchpad is now hosted on and distributed through GitLab (at the present, its repo is private but I hope to make it publicly available in the future).
Installing Hiero 2.0
Hiero 2.0 has undergone some significant changes, the most important being that it is now implemented in Vala and is therefore no longer dependent on the Mono runtime. Due to its few dependencies (see the file, dependencies.txt inside of the archive package) Hiero's binary can simply be copied onto a typical Linux computer and it will very likely run as is. Of course, you might not want to install Hiero this way as a formal install of it will not only ensure that its dependencies are met but will also provide you with convenient access to the app via the system menu, not to mention to its user guide via its own menu.
Distribution Packages
Hiero's distribution page on GitLab presently provides two install package options:
Debian (.deb)
If your system is running a Debian derived Linux distro, you can install Hiero from the Debian package. Note that this binary package should work for various releases of a given distro but it will only install if the app dependencies can be met. Hiero's Debian package can be installed using GDebi.
Compressed Archive (.tar.gz)
If your system is running a non-Debian based Linux distro, you can install Hiero from the .tar.gz archive package. This install method utilizes a script to install Hiero locally -- that is, beneath your home folder. It will also install the app into your system's menu and ensure that its user guide is available from its own menu as well. What it won't do however is ensure that the app's dependencies are all met but not only will you know that the dependencies aren't met if the app doesn't run, but because there are so few of them -- see the file, dependencies.txt inside of the archive -- you should be able to install any missing ones via your distro's package manager.